• Question: how will this effect use down in Cornwall?

    Asked by owen to Duncan, Kiran, Paul, Sarah, Sharon on 22 Mar 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Sharon Sneddon

      Sharon Sneddon answered on 22 Mar 2010:

      Hi owen, I’m not sure what you mean by your question? can you help me out by explaining what you mean? Thanks! Sharon

    • Photo: Duncan Murdock

      Duncan Murdock answered on 22 Mar 2010:

      Well it won’t directly affect any one region of the UK any more than any other, but I hope people will be interested in my research all over.

    • Photo: Paul Stevenson

      Paul Stevenson answered on 22 Mar 2010:

      Knowledge of nuclear physics and its effects are really important for Cornwall because of the high amount of natural Radon coming from the rocks. Do you know about it? There is more radiation in Cornwall than the rest of the UK so we need to study it to make sure that we treat it as safely as possible

    • Photo: Sarah Mount

      Sarah Mount answered on 22 Mar 2010:

      Sorry Owen, I’m a bit confused! How will what effect use in Cornwall?

    • Photo: Kiran Meekings

      Kiran Meekings answered on 22 Mar 2010:

      How will what affect use in Cornwall? Don’t understand your question, sorry!
