• Question: do you think there will ever be a cure for breast cancer?

    Asked by saffronelliott to Sharon on 22 Mar 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Sharon Sneddon

      Sharon Sneddon answered on 22 Mar 2010:

      Hi SaffronElliot. Breast cancer comes in many shapes and forms and at the moment, if it is caught early enough, it can be cured using a combination of drug treatments (chemotherapy), surgery and radiotherapy. Sadly, some forms of breast cancer are harder tro treat and if not caught quickly enough, it can spread to different parts of the body. That is what I am trying to look at, ways to treat breast cancer after it has spread so hopefully better treatments for that can be found, and eventually all types of breast cancer will be cureable. I am sure it will happen, it might just take a few years to do so! One of my friends had breast cancer 5 years ago and after treatment, she is now 100% fighting fit again with no sign of disease!
