• Question: Hiya kiran... What type of cancer do you mainly look at? And also what would you do with the money if you do win?

    Asked by larahj1 to Kiran on 17 Mar 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Kiran Meekings

      Kiran Meekings answered on 17 Mar 2010:

      Hi Larah!

      I look at solid tumours – so that’s lung, breast, colon, pancreatic cancers – anything that grows within an organ. My colleague Kate looks at blood cancers – so lymphoma, leukemia etc.

      If I won the money, I want you students decide how I should spend it. I would either fly to a big cancer conference in america to try and find new drugs or I would give it to a charity called Breakthrough Breast Cancer who do really good early-stage research into very new drugs. Hopefully they could come up with a new drug that I could help make sure gets to the right patients. Which do you think I should do?
