• Question: What is "im a scientist get me out of here" exactly? like is it a way of pupils to find out more stuff or is a bit like the actual im a celeb minus the jungle part hehe

    Asked by beth to Sharon on 24 Mar 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Sharon Sneddon

      Sharon Sneddon answered on 24 Mar 2010:

      Well, both really, it’s a place where you get to talk to real life scientists (us lot) and we will try and answer any questions you have about science or just about anything else! The i’m a celeb bit comes from the fact that you get to vote for your favourite scientist based on their answers, or their profiles, or if you take part in a live chat and the person with the least votes gets voted off each day until there is a winner! It would be good to actually go to the jungle and do this tho I’m not sure how much internet there is in a jungle!
