• Question: What's the process once the models are made?

    Asked by amycarrick to Paul on 16 Mar 2010 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Paul Stevenson

      Paul Stevenson answered on 17 Mar 2010:


      Like all scientists, I am always prepared to find out that my models are wrong. In fact, that’s how science works – you make models or hypotheses and then test them with the aim of trying to find any cracks or flaws in them. If you can’t find any, then you accept your model – at least for the time being. If you find flaws (i.e. you do an experiment and it doesn’t behave like your model) then you have to come up with a new model – or most likely refine your existing one.

      My models are computer simulations of nuclear processes (like fusion reactions) and I compare my results with the experimental work of my colleagues here at the University of Surrey and with other people around the world.
